Journal Watch

  • Survival with diabetes and kidney failure is better

    Diabetes plus kidney failure is a tough blow. But, since 1980, survival for people with both health problems has more than doubled. And that was with standard in-center HD. Imagine how much better survival might be with more dialysis!

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • New saliva test measures testosterone levels

    Kidney failure and low libido often go hand in hand. Low testosterone levels can be treated--if they are found. A new study finds that a morning saliva test gives results that compare well to blood tests.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Do surgeons get enough PD catheter training?

    A new study suggests that the answer is "no." A survey of surgery programs found that 18% gave no training in PD catheters, though 48% felt it was important. Most put in 2 to 5 catheters. The good news: 62% of programs were willing to give fledgling surgeons more PD training.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Less depression, short recovery with short daily HD

    Depression dropped from 41% to 27% among the 128 dialyzors who took part in the NxStage FREEDOM study. AND, instead of taking nearly 8 hours to feel better after a treatment—it took just 63 minutes.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Fear of needles, change barriers to nocturnal HD

    The Frequent HD Network study compared nocturnal to standard home HD. Schedule control and less commute time were big home HD pluses. Fear of self-cannulation, change from in-center, and lack of motivation were the main reasons some said no.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Avoid some radiation—go home!

    People on standard HD have high rates of cancer vs. the general public. Perhaps this is due to their high number of X-rays and CT scans, suggests a new study. Each one counts—and in-center HD folks have more access procedures, hospital stays, etc.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Daily HD: Less depression, shorter recovery after treatment

    More news from the NxStage FREEDOM study: after 12 months on daily HD, people were much less depressed. And, instead of taking about 8 hours to feel well after a treatment, most felt well after only ONE hour.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Nocturnal HD: MUCH better survival

    On standard in-center HD, 5-year survival is about 20%. A new study of 247 dialyzors from Canada found a 5-year survival on nocturnal HD of about 80%. Those who were younger and did not have diabetes did even better.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • Low GDP PD fluid protects residual kidney function

    Researchers think GDPs—caramel formed when sugar is heated up during PD fluid production—harm the peritoneum. Now, a randomized study proves it. Those using low GDP fluid had 3x as much kidney function after 18 months.

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)


  • NAC appears to improve residual kidney function in people on PD

    A supplement called N-acetylcysteine improved residual kidney function by about 50% in people on PD. (ALWAYS talk to your doctor before taking ANY over the counter meds.)

    Read the abstract » | (added 2011-02-24)
