The Promise of a Bioartificial Kidney


  • Samira Saidian

    Sep 23, 2021 2:55 PM

    Any update on how soon this will be presented to kidney patients?
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  • M

    Apr 20, 2021 3:01 PM

    My daughter just turned 19 and is currently in the hospital in the PICU. She has loss her transplanted kidney from her living donor after 10 years. I have been following this study and program for some years now and it was my hope and prayer than by the time she needed another transplant this would be available as a viable option to the public. Today in this economy especially with Covid and so many people out of work and with no insurance, how is one supposed to be able to afford to live? It is expensive and scary. The bio-artificial kidney would give kids, adults, families a real chance at living a good, healthy normal life with no immunosuppressive medication. That's such a great option to have. I pray one day my daughter has the chance to recieve that gift. Looking forward to the future.
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    • Gerrie Whittington

      Jun 08, 2021 12:33 AM

      I sympathize with you. I saw a TV program about this device or a magazine or news article but have not been able to get any more concrete info about the status of the research. I mentioned it today to my nephrologist and he did not seem to even know about it at all. Considering the amount of $ spent on dialysis you would think this device would be getting some consistent coverage. I can't understand the silence. I no longer send $ to the various kidney foundations. I write back and tell them they don't inform patients or patrons about ANYTHING that is going on in the kidney research world so why should the public support them? They are a bunch of do nothings except for grabbing hand outs that they don't acount for.
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      • Katherine Gordon

        May 05, 2024 9:00 PM

        My 2 year old Grandson has poly cystic kidney disease. He may loose function if his only remaining kidney. He is two! I can not imagine him sitting still to receive the life saving dialysis. Can we all band together and require the World Health Organization to pay the 10 Million that the Kidney project is holding out for in order to move thier protocol into clinical trials????? Please can we please do something??? How about asking Elon Musk to help humanity by giving the Kidney project what they need? Or financing a new bio artificial kidney himself please!!!!
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  • Mary Christina

    Mar 01, 2021 6:40 AM

    Hi Team,

    Shall we get 2021 the implantable bioartificial kidney.

    This team approached Bill gates or Elon musk ? for more fund to complete this project.

    Please think about us, every day patients dying for waiting list. This is my Humble request behalf of all kidney patients on this Earth , Please speed up.

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  • Alice Smith

    Jan 16, 2021 6:41 PM

    Would like to know more
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  • Mohammad Faisal

    Jan 13, 2021 2:59 AM

    Excellent information and timely. Please let us know whether it is introduced and applied and how interested kidney disease people can get it in Canada and USA. Please also indicate whether any hospitals or doctors in Ontario , Canada is specialized in it. Thanks and would appreciate to receive urgent response.
    Rabi Faisa
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  • Jacquelyn Dale

    Jan 12, 2021 10:57 PM

    This is interesting about the bio kidney. I am a PD dialysis patient and would love something like this so I could be normal again. Hope it works out. I am not a good candidate for a transplant.
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